Brenda Crim-Critelli — Rally

Brend Crim-Critelli

I am Brenda Crim-Critelli, your Rally Judge for this great Specialty, welcome to all the Rally Teams.

I live in Parrish Florida with my Husband and our 3 border collies. It has been exciting to see how rally has grown since its inception and how many of us are enjoying this addition to AKC performance sports.

I, like many of you, was lured into the obedience and rally world and after obtaining several titles on my dogs AKC introduced Rally to its events department and my club gave me the opportunity to teach their first official rally classes. It was after this that I decided to apply to be a Rally judge, and that is why I find myself here with you today after 17 years.

It has been my privilege to judge the 2016 AKC Rally National Championships in Tulsa Oklahoma, and once again the 2020 Rally National Championships in Orlando Florida.

I am a 27-year member of the Dog Training Club of St Petersburg. I also am a member of Sarasota Obedience Training Club where I have been a member for 15 years. I have also been fortunate to be a member of (NADOI) National Association of Dog Obedience Instructors for 22 years.

In my home we have also enjoyed earthdog, herding, and tracking with many of our dogs while attending many seminars over the years to only increase our love of these great sports. Experiencing rally from both sides of the clipboard as a judge and as an exhibitor has given me much insight into both roles.

I deeply appreciate being invited to judge this year’s National Specialty. I want to wish the best to all who have trained so hard and traveled so far to attend this wonderful event.